Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The fog looks amazing today!

As it is clearing away it looks like it has eaten all the leaves from the trees.

Monday, 1 November 2010

How to save Photoshop CS5 multipage PDF presentations

 I can't believe adobe took out a feature like this. It really is crazy. But anyway after a lot of frustrated searching I believe this is the only answer to creating mulipage pdf documents in Photoshop CS5.

You cannot do it from within photoshop.....I know it is bad but there is quite a simple solution. First save out all your pages in the format you want, so for example: pages 1 to 6 as single page pngs.
Then download this plug-in http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/Freeware/CombinePDFs.shtml
I found it easy to use and its free :)) Drag the pages into the window, re-arrange as desired, select file > combine all pages and Bobs your unkle!