Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The fog looks amazing today!

As it is clearing away it looks like it has eaten all the leaves from the trees.

Monday, 1 November 2010

How to save Photoshop CS5 multipage PDF presentations

 I can't believe adobe took out a feature like this. It really is crazy. But anyway after a lot of frustrated searching I believe this is the only answer to creating mulipage pdf documents in Photoshop CS5.

You cannot do it from within photoshop.....I know it is bad but there is quite a simple solution. First save out all your pages in the format you want, so for example: pages 1 to 6 as single page pngs.
Then download this plug-in http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/Freeware/CombinePDFs.shtml
I found it easy to use and its free :)) Drag the pages into the window, re-arrange as desired, select file > combine all pages and Bobs your unkle!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Monday, 18 October 2010

Little escape pods - hotels & me 2010

Natural Light

Behind the scenes at the theatre

I got to go back stage and help Dan paint some of the staging for 'See how they run' at the theatre. He was the set designer for this production which was pretty cool. 

Bingley Festival

Wasn't expecting such a small festival to be so much fun but it was. Loved it here!